D9 – Cyber Security – BEST

About the module

As information technology becomes more and more the backbone of European as well as of other societies, and there is an increasing number of attacks on both individuals and the private and public sectors, European countries have understood that societal reliance on technology constitutes a rapidly growing security risk that has to be adequately addressed. Cybersecurity has become one of the EU’s most important priorities. 

Despite all efforts taken today, many hackers are often still successful in their malicious intent both, against individuals and private companies. Hence, regular internet users are particularly vulnerable to these attacks and lack of awareness and education is often one of the key issues that contribute to the success rate of cyberattacks. 

So, it is about basic principles when it comes to personal data protection, website security measures and privacy regulations necessary according to EU laws today for a homepage you might set up to present, share or sell your artwork, or exchange and communicate with others online.

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To learn more


  • The books on cyber security, like this training, can only cover what is known today and try to present to you the urgent needs and support mechanisms not to become a victim of any cyber crime. The reviewers that are followed most recommend some books here:  



  • Find here a list of podcasts that are dedicated to cyber security you might listen to: 



  • In this video, Simplilearn gives an overview about the need for Cyber Security, what Cyber Security is, the types of Cyberattacks and also Cyber Security Techniques. 

Youtube Link : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q2W_nNdReXM 

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