D4 – App Design and Development – CSF

About app design and development

For a time, businesses generally outsourced mobile app development due to constrained budgets and extended timelines. However, between helpful development platforms and software programs that do much of the groundwork, many small businesses are developing mobile apps in-house.

As a result, more and more companies are embracing the utility of mobile app development for internal purposes or customer use. Although developing an app for the first time can be daunting, it can also be an incredibly rewarding experience. This comprehensive guide will take you through the app development life cycle to help you develop a successful app.

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To learn more


  • User eXperience design. Progettare esperienze di valore per utenti e aziende by Debora Bottà, 2018
  • Application Development with SAP Business Technology Platform by Gairik Acharya, Govind Bajaj, Avijit Dhar, Anup Ghosh, Asidhara Lahiri, 2023



  • How to Build an App podcast by Strides Development

Link: https://stridesdevelopment.com/podcast/welcome-to-how-to-build-an-app 

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